Valentine Bourghelle


Valentine Bourghelle

Valentine is a French lawyer having a strong interest for disputes involving state entities in various sectors such as mining, energy,construction, and transport. She acts both in commercial and investment arbitration, as well as setting aside proceedings.


Valentine Bourghelle

Valentine is a French lawyer.

She has a strong interest for disputes involving state entities in various sectors such as mining, energy,construction, and transport. She is interested in both commercial and investment arbitration, as well as setting aside proceedings.

Valentine holds an LL.M. in International Dispute Settlement and Arbitration from Leiden University (the Netherlands) and a Master 2 in Arbitration and International Trade Law from Panthéon-Sorbonne University.

Bilingual in English and French, Valentine handles cases in both languages.


Admitted to the Paris Bar

Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne University, Master 2 in Arbitration and International Trade Law

Leiden University (the Netherlands), LL.M. in International Dispute Settlement and Arbitration

Catholic University of Lille, Master 1 in International and European Law – International and European Organisations

Recent experience as counsel

An ICC arbitration in Paris for a global logistics leader concerning a construction project in the Middle East

An ICSID arbitration between the Zenith group and the Republic of Tunisia (ICSID Case ARB/23/18)

An ICC mediation between a leader in air transport and a North American partner on a freight contract

Setting aside proceedings for a German construction company against a West African public entity

Recent experience as secretary to arbitral tribunals

Secretary to the Arbitral Tribunal in an arbitration pursuant to the Swiss Arbitration Center between a Malaysian company and a French company, in connection with a loan agreement.

News from

Valentine Bourghelle

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